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'Can I have a chance to get even?'

The lurgy. Everyone's getting it, now it's my turn. Coughing, sniffling. Trying to get to sleep is the worst bit. I may have found a possible alternative. Not going to sleep and playing online chess. Or at least going to bed then washing up at 3.30am to face off across a chess board.

It's been a while since my last a game or two, against life-forms, back in the early two thousands. I don't think the rules have changed in the meantime but I came close to googling one of them during my first match a short time ago on against what I think is a beginner-level faux life-form, Elani (400) Greece, who I think I'll stick with. She's already throwing down the alogorithm for a rematch after I unexpectedly suprised us both by coming up with a win in 19 moves. I got to be white so had the advantage of moving first and then played an odd, messy game to not want to take it - impending defeat - seriously. The Idiot Gambit.

The best bit was finding I'd not coughed much during the duration of the game, but started again two minutes after, while hopping around the room, triumphantly punching the air with both hands and letting the neighbours wonder what I meant by, 'titlecontender there'snocomingbackfromthat', etc. As everyone knows, chess brings out the worst in people.

A few days later.
Nelson bot (1300) is impossible to beat.

Oh yeah? I've now stumbled my way ineptly through all the (free to play) beginner and intermdiary bots and somehow against all the odds - particularly with Nelson (1300) South Africa this morning - have won all six games I've played. 

As a way of distracting oneself chess is effective, but as a way of resting and getting well, not so much.

Alternatives lately have been dipping into the engagingly well written big art book of the Getty funded round-up of the Pacific coast art scene between 1945-1980; persevering with the unexpectedly clunky 'Crime and Punishment'; and today using the mower to discover where the lawn used to be, oh and getting some fresh air while witnessing cherry trees expressing themselves with something approaching a furious roar of in your face life-force. And doing the washing, ironing and dishes.