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plant pot # I've lost count

somewhat suprised and happy to wake to a sunny day. And it's the #1 weekend since lockdown #2 ended and my priority #1 was to get to TK#Maxx to see what new-in plant pot stock they might have waiting for me.  There were #millions of people out and about today; it was sunny and we were un-locked. At the shop I fought my way up to floor #1 past men and women wanting new clothes and was massively relieved to find the #2 shelves of plant pots without a #single person around them. 

This is the #one. This is the #one I've waited for. 

Hello, medium size pot. You came from the land of Portugal, and not so heavy unlike #most of the other ones I've bought lately. A lovely pale cream glaze ceramic with textured detailing around the rim, and while the melted dark chocolately coloured splodges are not the best colour it's interestingly done. 

I'd bought a huge #XL hoodie so could wrap it up in and carefully place in my rucksack for the ride home. I reminded myself not to do anything reckless cycling back cos if I got run over THE NEW POT WOULD GET BROKEN. It made it in #1 piece and a living thing will make its home therein in #1 hour.