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The neighbours must be wondering what's going on. 

It's a Sunday and where is my usual half hour Alanis Morissette playlist at volume, which they must look forward to all week. I do my ironing in one room and the speakers are in another and so they need cranking up a bit to get the full benefit of Alanis. Alanis Morissette. Every Sunday. For months. But today she did not accompany me, or me her, with my singing along while ironing, and the random mix that got selected instead opened with a song by Ryan Miller (singer with US band Guster), 'This Is The Only Time We Have'

I met him once after a gig in North London. I liked him. He liked my camera, (a Sony R1). I took a picture of us. So we're basically best friends.

I first heard 'This Is The Only Time We Have' when watching 'Fundamentals of Caring'. It was played over the closing credits and it was an 'I know that voice!' moment. That film was a recommendation from Alexy at work in the summer.

Guster, another recommendation, from long ago, by KW in NY and who is a hard-core Guster super-fan.  Hope you are okay.

This particular song was helpful today, a gentle reminder amongst some temporary chaos.

A little bit later putting a bird feeder block in the garden I saw the lovely coloured leaves of the hedge. After years of photographing the hedgerows alongside the nearby airbase - where UK drone ops are conducted - I thought I had definitely done my time photographing hedges, but these tiny leaves with their happy colour, and which seemed simple and innocent, were just too pretty. They were also so fragile. With just the slightest touch they spun to the ground.