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In the middle of the night

Not a peep from Western governments, or their opposition parties, to condemn the state-sponsored assassination of an(other) Iranian nuclear scientist by Israel.

I'm not a fan but at least The Guardian/Observer has the cojones to write about the research from three Israeli human-rights organisations on the impact of intimidatory night-time searching of Palestinian homes - link here.

Testimony includes that from Israeli soliders:

“It wasn’t my job but they were looking for women to search Palestinian women [in Hebron]. I thought it was cool. I was 19 years old and playing war. I wanted to be part of it, to see how it was from the inside. In the end it was a turning point for me.

“When I got inside, the commander said, ‘you have to search the women’. The family was really scared. I have this strong image of this other soldier who I really liked. He had a small machine gun. He’s holding it in front of this cute three-year-old. He has a face mask on and he pulls off the mask and smiles at the boy. And I’m thinking this is so fucked up. It was like, it doesn’t matter how nice this soldier is.

“I had this strong idea that held my world together. Because I am nice, I’ll do it differently. But what matters is you’re in a home at three in the morning. We can’t be there without destroying their lives and creating the terror that later comes back to us.”

The aftermath of a raid at Balata refugee camp in Nablus, West Bank, on January 3, 2017. Photograph: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images