The forecast for rain nearly all day was pretty accurate and I set off expecting my third or fourth soaking in as many days, (one or two of which have been super-nice, it's not cold, and it's life). The camera kept going despite the constant soaking it was getting for nearly an hour. Every few shots I'd swab the water off it with my tee-shirt, and try to lean over it to protect it. For a cheap consumer point and shoot that's unexpectedly good. If it had been an expensive camera, even one with weather-sealing, I'd have gone home early if having bothered to go out at all.
I wanted the earth tones from the saturated soil, the shining rain on the ground was an extra. I was taking sweeps and single frame images with the intention to composite later. The one thing I had strangely not accounted for in the slightest was sinking in to the mud up to my ankles. In the past on other sites this feeling used to scare me, the dirtiness and also being nearly stuck.