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Being 'it'

Diane Arbus used to refer to the transevestites she photographed as 'it' in her letters to friends.  Anyone who thinks she was being 'inclusive' in her work is mistaken, she was totally exploitative - but produced some of the greatest imagery ever, in any medium, full of pathos and anguish, human qualities as important to understand as any other.

There's a programme on BBC starting in an hour about a sixteen year old whose ambition is to be a drag queen.  I notice on the listings website I use that negative remarks are appearing already and voting on the show is dropping fast - before it's even been broadcast.  The lastest comment simply says; ' disgusting - why are we not giving these things electric shocks?'

Further info here: 

Just finished watching the show.  The point at the end where he acknowledged that his own prejudices about people (their being unaccepting) was no better than any other kind of narrow mindedness.  His friends and family and class-mates were all cool with him and apart from one or two bigots (his dad and the parent who complained  - using that word 'disgusting') it shows that most British people can handle difference.